Use this form to claim a rebate due to your expenses of working from home for the last 4 years. Relief is 30% of the cost apportionment.
Remote working is defined as working:
Remote working involves:
The arrangements in this section only apply to remote working. They do not apply when you bring work home outside of normal working hours.
You can only claim for the days you worked from home as a remote worker.
If you are a remote worker, your employer may pay you up to €3.20 per day without deducting:
This is to cover the additional costs of working from home, such as electricity, heating, and broadband.
Your additional costs might be higher than €3.20. Your employer may pay these higher costs. Any amount more than €3.20 per day paid by your employer will be taxed.
If you claim Remote Working Relief, any payment by your employer for remote working expenses must be deducted from your claim.
If your employer does not make a payment of €3.20 per day, or pays you less than your allowable costs, you can claim Remote Working Relief. The relief is given at your highest rate of tax.
Any amounts paid by your employer must be deducted from your claim.
For more information, visit:
To qualify for Single Person Child Carer Credit (SPCCC), you must be a ‘single person’ with a ‘qualifying child’.
As a single person you must not be:
If your child is born during the tax year, the You didn't finish it all? ChatGPT html Copy code
If your child is born during the tax year, the credit will not reduce on a pro-rata basis for that year.
A qualifying child is any of the following:
A foster child, or a child in residential care, cannot be a qualifying child.
All courses or programmes that include full-time (not part-time or evening) instruction at any university, college or other educational establishment.
Apprenticeships for any trade or profession for a period of two years or more.
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